Title: Clean Hands, Pure Heart: Overcoming Addiction to Pornography through the Redeeming Power of Jesus Christ
Author: Philip A. Harrison
Client: Windhaven Publishing
Date of Work: March 2011
Available for purchase at LDSeBookstore.com
About the Book:
In Clean Hands, Pure Heart, Philip A. Harrison relates his journey out of addiction to pornography into recovery and freedom. He explains: "Like Paul and Alma the Younger, who also spent a portion of their lives in serious darkness and were delivered from it by Christ Himself, I am willing to allow my life to be an example of someone the Lord has rescued from 'the darkest abyss.'"
Using the scriptures and teachings of Church leaders, along with the Twelve Steps of recovery, Phil leads us through the process of coming until Christ and having our burdens lifted. For those who have struggled with sexual addiction or any other overwhelming challenge, as well as for those who care about them, this book offers welcome help, guidance and hope.
Read excerpts from the book here.
About the Job: eBook Conversion; converted digital files from PDF to EPUB, MOBI, PRC, PDB and LRF formats.
Formatter: Karlene Browning
Cost: $250 (special pricing)