Title: The Pirate Slayers, Book One: Ghost Waves
Author: W. Everett Prusso
Client: WiDo Publishing
Date of Work: May 2011
Available for purchase at LDSeBookstore.com
About the Book:
The Pirate Slayers, Book One: Ghost Waves by W. Everett Prusso begins in the winter of 1846, when the Brooklyn leaves New York City for a voyage that will take them twenty-six thousand miles around South America to Honolulu, and to their final destination, San Francisco. On a warm, sultry, moonless night, off the coast of Brazil, four teenage passengers fall overboard. Thomas, Elizabeth, Nicole and their Australian sailor friend, Matthew, find themselves stranded in dangerous waters. The Caribbean Sea and South Pacific are the backdrops for this adventure that pits the foursome in desperate contests with pirates, profiteers and scoundrels as they swash-buckle their way to California.
W. Everett Prusso's love of the tropics and sailing inspired him to write Ghost Waves, his debut novel. A native Californian and a travel agent for thirty-five years, he currently calls Sandy, Utah home. He is working on the next volume in The Pirate Slayers series, Scrimshaw's Revenge.
About the Job: eBook Conversion; converted digital files from PDF to EPUB, MOBI, PRC, PDB and LRF formats.
Formatter: Karlene Browning
Cost: $100 (special pricing)