Title: Setting the Record Straight: The Book of Mormon
Author: Jack R. Christianson, Ph. D.
Client: Millennial Press
Date of Work: September 2012
Available for purchase at:ldsebookstore.com
or on Amazon
About the Book:
Setting the Record Straight: The Book of Mormon
has one objective: to set the record straight concerning the many
charges against the Book of Mormon. It sets forth in a clear and
engaging style the answers to many of the false charges leveled by
critics against the Book of Mormon.
Rather than criticize others for their perception of the Book of
Mormon, this book serves as a valuable guide for those who seek to
better understand the central purpose of the Book of Mormon—to
testify of Christ.
About the Job: eBook Conversion; converted digital files from PDF to EPUB, MOBI, PRC, PDB and LRF formats.
Formatter: Karlene Browning