Monday, January 25, 2010

Grammar Series (Four Volumes)

Title: An LDS Approach to Grammar
Series of 4 books

Author: Tracy Elizabeth Willburn, Ph.D.

Client: Liahona Publishing

Date of Work: 2004–2008

About the Book:
This series of grammar books is very different from most approaches to teaching grammar. First, it uses a gospel context to invite the spirit and help students look at grammar in everyday situations with which they are familiar. Secondly, it believes that grammar is best taught by the study of good writing and then emulating those writing principles. Current research is showing that a writing-based grammar program is more effective in teaching students to write well than the present over-use of rote exercises found in most grammar texts.

Each text is divided into specific concepts with exercises and additional practice suggestions. The interactive examples and exercises are designed to ensure that students understand the concept being introduced. The answers directly follow the exercises. While the fundamental elements of grammar are included and reviewed in each book, the series builds upon itself and asks the student to think a little differently about how grammar is a part of writing.

Line Upon Line (vol. 1): Where does the comma go? How about a semi-colon? This easy to follow and understand text focuses on sentence structure in writing.

Precept Upon Precept (vol. 2): When we communicate in writing we want to be clear and understandable. This text looks at grammar as part of the writing process and examines the most troublesome aspects of grammar for the writer.

Here a Little, There a Little (vol. 3): I don’t want my writing to be boring! This text examines how grammar techniques can be used to make writing more interesting and persuasive. Defines how punctuation and grammar can be used as rhetorical techniques.

Give Ear and Learn Wisdom (vol. 4): Why doesn’t English make sense? This text discusses the history of English and how it has affected our grammar and spelling, as well as the way writing has changed over the years.

About the Job:
  • Cover design: Volume 1 supplied by client. Adjusted additional covers to match.
  • Editing: Content edit; proofreading.
  • Internal Layout: Designed page layout based client preferences; typeset interior in QuarkXPress (Mac); converted to print-ready .pdf files.
  • Internal images/clip art: Procured by LibrisPro.
  • Typesetter: Karlene Browning

Title Page Key Page Section Page
Grammar Title Grammar Key Grammar Section
Chapter Page Text Page Text Page
Grammar Chapter Grammar Text Grammar Text
*To see larger image, right-click on the page and select View Image.

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